The California Air Resources Board (ARB) will conduct a public meeting on September 23, 2010, to consider the adoption of proposed regional greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets for automobiles and light trucks. Copies of the staff report for this meeting and its associated CEQA Functional Equivalent Document may be obtained from ARB’s office or via the web at: Interested members of the public may make oral or written comments. Written comments must be received by noon on September 22, 2010.
Senate Bill 375 requires ARB to set regional targets for 2020 and 2035 to reduce GHG emissions from passenger vehicles. According to Senate Bill 375, ARB must adopt final targets by September 30, 2010. These targets will apply to the regions in the State covered by the 18 metropolitan planning organizations. New projects in regions meeting these targets can be relieved of certain review requirements under CEQA.
For more information about the upcoming public meeting, please visit: